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  • Writer's pictureFamily Promise Philadelphia

Keeping Our Promise for 2023

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Rising rents, a critical shortage of affordable housing opportunities and the reluctance of some property managers to lease to low-income households all were all heightened during Covid 19 at its peak. According to Princeton’s Eviction Lab, 7 of the city’s “10 eviction hotspots” are located in Northwest and Northeast Philadelphia (Sep ’22), FPP's neighborhood. Currently, calls to FPP for help are running about 100 per week.

You may ask, how is FPP working to Keep Our Promise in such a rapidly changing environment?

Due to PIHN/FPP's vigorous and persistent advocacy efforts, starting back in 2018, Philadelphia City Council committed $15 million to rent assistance in 2022-23 in what has become the first ever funding for prevention! We made history, together.


So far this year, our programs have delivered thousands of dollars of aid and material supports to thousands of Philadelphia families. Through government funding and grant, we are able to assist families in some extremely powerful ways, yet so much of what families need, especially in emergencies, are not covered by these programs.

This is where community becomes critical. Many small landlords have been selling off to investors and developers, and even long-term renters in good standing on fixed incomes are being displaced, including elderly.

For families with a disability, special need or chronic condition there is a critical shortage of affordable rentals along with insufficient counseling and social services needed to overcome additional obstacles to housing stability.

Many families with limited education, training or work skills and many in the “gig economy”

suffer chronic housing insecurity, and face barriers to upward mobility in “normal” or pandemic times.

This year, we invite you to join us in Keeping Our Promise to Philadelphia families this winter. Join our campaign to meet the most critical and challenging needs that our government can't support.



Through our various programs we have achieved amazing things in just the last 9 months.

Our Alternative Emergency Housing and rapid Relocation services have helped 20 families in a housing crisis found safe in short-term rentals and AirBnbs, then received trauma-informed counseling and direct aid for basic needs.

Together, we have delivered $25,000 in emergency housing aid to 500 families in crisis or at-risk for homelessness received thousands of dollars in material supports and services in-kind.

In regards to Eviction Prevention, we helped 75 families averted eviction and were able to stay in their homes by delivering $100,000 in rent/utility assistance and $25,000 in security deposits, relocation expense.

We work extremely hard to ensure the healthy and safety for Children and Youth in emergency, transitional or permanent housing. We also provide access to needed services and supports to mitigate trauma, anxiety, social isolation and depressions.

We have helped 450 children and youth have received $75,000 services and supports in-kind.

This year we celebrate our first ever Keys to Good Tenancy pilot cohort. A program funded by Family Promise USA enables families that are safely housed but still at-risk of homelessness, to achieve increased income and long-term housing security.

Our first ever 20 families have received $3,000 in monthly rent shallow assistance!

We continue to develop, pilot and advocate for new, innovative ways to support the families of our City the face some of the steepest challenges. We invite you to join us and please give generously, so that we can ensure families are safely housed this year and every year.



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